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Website about Offshore Development - Outsourcing portal. Other useful information: From AP As the Obama administration formulates its energy policy, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Wednesday he would take a broad look at exploiting the waters off U.S. shores, advancing both renewable energy and traditional drilling. Salazar spoke at a public meeting as he draws up a plan for development in federal waters, or the Outer Continental Shelf. Federal waters extend 200 miles offshore and cover about 1.7 billion acres. In keeping with Obama's pledge to be more environmentally conscious than the Bush administration, Salazar also emphasized the need to balance environmental and economic interests. "It seems to me that we may be at the point of time to bring those two things together," Salazar said. "We will find the right balance," he added. "I would think that most people in America would want us to address the economic security, the national security and the environmental security issues that confront our country." In February, Salazar said his agency would develop a comprehensive plan for offshore development by identifying available resources and issuing rules for offshore windmills and deep-sea turbines. In 2007, the Outer Continental Shelf accounted for 14 percent of the nation's natural gas production and 27 percent of its oil production. Salazar said the waters off the coast could produce much more of the nation's energy needs. Wednesday's meeting was held at Tulane University in New Orleans. As oil and environmental interests spoke during a comment period, Salazar repeatedly said he was open to listening to both sides. Several officials from Gulf states, including Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., and Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., stressed the importance of oil and gas in the region. Salazar has been reviewing whether offshore drilling should be expanded. Earlier this year, he scrapped a Bush administration drilling plan that included energy development along both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Click here to read more J2EE: EJB, JSP, Servlets, JSF, JSTL, JCA, JMS, JTA, JNDI, JDBC, JMX, RMI, etc. Frameworks: Struts, Hibernate, JPA, iBATIS, JBoss AOP, Spring, JSF, AJAX, GWT, YUI, Flex/Flash, JUnit, and Jakarta common libraries. Integration: Web Services on Axis and WebMethods; as well as the Web Service Standards such as SOAP, WSDL and UDDI.
For you information - For Any Supply Chain Function, The Most Significant Decision Is Whether To Outsource The Function Or Perform It In-house. The Decision To Outsource Is Made At A Strategic Level And Normally Requires Board Approval.
Energy Tribune - Salazar Stresses Balance In Offshore Development - From AP As the Obama administration formulates its energy policy, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Wednesday he would take a broad look at exploiting the waters off U.S. shores, advancing both renewable energy and traditional drilling. Salazar spoke at a public meeting as he draws up a plan for development in federal waters, or the Outer Continental Shelf. Federal waters extend 200 miles offshore and cover about 1.7 billion acres. In keeping with Obama's pledge to be more environmentally conscious than the Bush administration, Salazar also emphasized the need to balance environmental and economic interests. "It seems to me that we may be at the point of time to bring those two things together," Salazar said. "We will find the right balance," he added. "I would think that most people in America would want us to address the economic security, the national security and the environmental security issues that confront our country." In February, Salazar said his agency would develop a comprehensive plan for offshore development by identifying available resources and issuing rules for offshore windmills and deep-sea turbines. In 2007, the Outer Continental Shelf accounted for 14 percent of the nation's natural gas production and 27 percent of its oil production. Salazar said the waters off the coast could produce much more of the nation's energy needs. Wednesday's meeting was held at Tulane University in New Orleans. As oil and environmental interests spoke during a comment period, Salazar repeatedly said he was open to listening to both sides. Several officials from Gulf states, including Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., and Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., stressed the importance of oil and gas in the region. Salazar has been reviewing whether offshore drilling should be expanded. Earlier this year, he scrapped a Bush administration drilling plan that included energy development along both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Click here to read more Energy Tribune - Salazar Stresses Balance in Offshore Development E-Mail Address: Password: Forgot password? [login] Home Articles Stocks Faq About Us Contact Us RSS Feeds May 11, 2009 SEARCH: Energy Tribune Jobs (click here) Featured Stories Guest Opinions Americas Europe Russia Middle East China Australasia India Africa Nuclear Commentary Print Issues Obama’s Energy Radica... Hired to Crack The Bl... Obama’s Energy Radica... Wind Power Exposed: T... Chevron Facing Enviro... Russia: A Critical Ev... Soot: The IPCC’s Dirt... Posted on Apr. 09, 2009 By Cain Burdeau Salazar Stresses Balance in Offshore Development
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