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Website about Software Developers - Application Development portal. Other useful information: a000066 In the process of fixing bugs, even the best programmers for hire can introduce new bugs. Now it is risky to make the fix, down time has to be scheduled, new freelance programmers may need to be hired, and they will need time to learn the original freelancer's unique programming quirks. Freelance programmers like to do programming - most of them dislike project management. Someone needs to manage the project, so that's gonna be your job. That is why you hire freelance programmers, to get skills you need but don't have. Here's why freelance programmers should not manage projects: It is your project! You have the final say about what the project is. Giving that job to the programmer is like letting the fox guard the hen house (no, I'm not saying that programmers are sly like foxes, many just need to be properly managed). Programmer do not know the intimate details of your business, your users, etc. You have to provide direction, programmers create software from that direction. Imagine you think of the feature after putting your project out for bid. Now you have to change your bid request and get programmers to look at it all over again. I could tell Paul was excited but worried at the same time. He figured the programmer was over a barrel and would have to deliver. After all, programmers work hard to build a good reputation on the freelance site(s) where they get their work. Well, that word processor was developed by a major company with a team of over a hundred programmers working to create and maintain all those features. They have been working on the same program for years. J2EE: EJB, JSP, Servlets, JSF, JSTL, JCA, JMS, JTA, JNDI, JDBC, JMX, RMI, etc. Frameworks: Struts, Hibernate, JPA, iBATIS, JBoss AOP, Spring, JSF, AJAX, GWT, YUI, Flex/Flash, JUnit, and Jakarta common libraries. Integration: Web Services on Axis and WebMethods; as well as the Web Service Standards such as SOAP, WSDL and UDDI.
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How To Hire Programmers And Outsource Software Development: Commentary, Tips, And Best Practices - How To Hire Programmers and Outsource Software Development: Commentary, Tips, and Best Practices Offshore Software Success Learn to outsource with freelance software developers. Interesting Comments on the Seven Mistakes when Hiring a Programmer Here is an interesting message I got from a freelance programmer in India. Seems my articles on the Seven Mistakes people make when hiring a programmer struck a chord with him. Always interesting to hear the other side of the story... I appreciate your article "7 mistakes series". I am a Freelancer and have faced all the problems you mentioned in the articles. There are a lot of people on the net who have a couple of dollars and an idea. Most of these buyers post the project on freelancers sites in an anticipation that the project will go perfectly and they will get the program of their dreams despite a very restricted budget. When hiring from India, perhaps they think, India is a poor and crowded country so whatever amount they decide is the right budget for all the features they want. The final result is bad remarks on programmer's skill while he did everything to satisfy his client given the restricted time and budget. I feel very sorry about those Indian Freelancers who get trapped with buyers, who are good at describing a project's requirements in 3 lines on a freelancer's site and then turning it to 3 pages eventually. Anyways, thats really a good effort from you. Keep writing. Thanks, Amit Deo Panwar Sounds like a smart programmer to me...check out his site at the link above. Here are the permanent links to the articles "Seven mistakes people make when hiring a programmer":
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