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Website about Software Developers - Web Development portal. Other useful information: Advogato: How non-programmers use documentation. [ Home | Articles | Account | People | Projects | FAQ ] How non-programmers use documentation. Posted 8 Nov 2001 at 16:22 UTC by kevindumpscore for non-programmers. I've tried to give back to the Linux community by helping with a large reference manual. Lately I started wondering how non-programmers friends and co-workers. Here is what I learned about how non-programmers Non-programmers insist that context-sensitive, on-line help must be Non-programmers want screen-shots in the on-line help. They don't Non-programmers utilize on-line help as a quick reference, so indexes Non-programmers will go through an on-line tutorial, if one is Non-programmers will look at a "Tips and Tricks" dialog box, if one Non-programmers ignore the printed manuals bundled with off-the-shelf Non-programmers would never buy a book about an application. They say technical books are for programmers. Non-programmers don't want detailed explanations, they want simple Non-programmers hate too much detail. Non-programmers prefer short, step-by-step instructions. Non-programmers prefer information that answers the question "How do Non-programmers don't want to see information about how a feature was Non-programmers assume that on-line help will be updated in each new If part of the on-line help is obsolete or missing, non-programmers Non-programmers that I talked to have never sent a bug report or a Non-programmers do not read any documentation that contains more than about 5 words. Non-programmers have arbitrarily weird ideas on how something should be performed. If it doesn't work, they will first blame it on the computer, then on the program, then on the admin. They will not listen to any explanation longer than five words. If you stand besides them to help them, they want you to do it for them. If you do, they will see no need to watch what you do, they'll rather ask you every time to do it. In no case are they able to substitute anything in the documentation. If a login documentation contains the word "insert-your-username-here", they will type exactly that. If a screenshot for "Save as..." shows the correct image, but the "path" field contains "/home/admin/", they will detect the difference in their dialog, type the given path into it, and then complain the computer is broken. Anything written besides, below or onto the screen shot as explanation is ignored. J2EE: EJB, JSP, Servlets, JSF, JSTL, JCA, JMS, JTA, JNDI, JDBC, JMX, RMI, etc. Frameworks: Struts, Hibernate, JPA, iBATIS, JBoss AOP, Spring, JSF, AJAX, GWT, YUI, Flex/Flash, JUnit, and Jakarta common libraries. Integration: Web Services on Axis and WebMethods; as well as the Web Service Standards such as SOAP, WSDL and UDDI.
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Advogato: How Non-programmers Use Documentation. - Advogato: How non-programmers use documentation. [ Home | Articles | Account | People | Projects | FAQ ] How non-programmers use documentation. Posted 8 Nov 2001 at 16:22 UTC by kevindumpscore for non-programmers. I've tried to give back to the Linux community by helping with a large reference manual. Lately I started wondering how non-programmers friends and co-workers. Here is what I learned about how non-programmers Non-programmers insist that context-sensitive, on-line help must be Non-programmers want screen-shots in the on-line help. They don't Non-programmers utilize on-line help as a quick reference, so indexes Non-programmers will go through an on-line tutorial, if one is Non-programmers will look at a "Tips and Tricks" dialog box, if one Non-programmers ignore the printed manuals bundled with off-the-shelf Non-programmers would never buy a book about an application. They say technical books are for programmers. Non-programmers don't want detailed explanations, they want simple Here are some observations about what would make documentation friendly documentation. I've helped with some FAQs, HOWTOs, and am working on actually use documentation so I asked a few. I'm not trying to write a doctoral thesis so my process wasn't scientific. My information is based on informal conversations with use documentation. INTERNAL AND ON-LINE provided with an application. care if it increases an application's file size. and search functions are important. provided as part of the application. is provided. software. SIMPLE answers.
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