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Website about Software Developers - Application Development portal. Other useful information: There was a great exchange on the O'Reilly editors' backchannel the other day, so illuminating that I thought I should share it with the rest of you. We've been discussing the fast-track development we're using to produce The Twitter Book. (We're basically authoring the book as a presentation, after I realized how much more quickly I am able to put..." / When you (if that's you) write a book there's a certain mechanical aspect wherein you shuffle manuscript and mark-up back and forth with yonder publisher, right? The software tools alluded to here would support that neatly. The thing about Tim's particular twitter book being modularized and presentation format is specific to that particular work - nobody is saying "all" in that sense. It's just that the underlying, low-level, how-do-manuscript-versions/parts-get-named and how-are-the-accessed/created/etc. technology is just some comfortable extensions to things like a word processor. E.g.: automate keeping track of different versions of a work as part of the "save" command; make it easy to compare versions; make it easy to pass versions between people (an "email this document" link not on a web page but in your word processor, say); that kind of thing. I'd make a plausible guess that when you work on a book you are careful about making backups, about setting aside "snapshots" as you hit various milestones, and so on. You probably do such things "by hand". For a lot of software developers, analogous features are built into the programs they use to edit source code and the suggestion here is just to build similar tools for other media besides software source code. J2EE: EJB, JSP, Servlets, JSF, JSTL, JCA, JMS, JTA, JNDI, JDBC, JMX, RMI, etc. Frameworks: Struts, Hibernate, JPA, iBATIS, JBoss AOP, Spring, JSF, AJAX, GWT, YUI, Flex/Flash, JUnit, and Jakarta common libraries. Integration: Web Services on Axis and WebMethods; as well as the Web Service Standards such as SOAP, WSDL and UDDI.
For you information - The Competitive Pressures On Firms To Bring Out New Products At An Ever Rapid Pace To Meet Market Needs Are Increasing. As Such, The Pressures On The R&D Department Are Increasing. In Order To Alleviate The Pressure, Firms Have To Either Increase R&D Budg
What Publishers Need To Learn From Software Developers - O'Reilly Radar - The more I think about it the more obvious it's becoming to me that the next generation of authoring/production tools will have much more in common with today's software development tools than with today's word processors. Software developers spend enormous amounts of time creatively writing with text, editing, revising, refining multiple interconnected textual works -- and often doing so in a highly distributed way with many collaborators. Few writers or editors spend as much time as developers with text, and it only makes sense to apply the lessons developers have learned about managing collaborative writing and editing projects at scale. What Publishers Need to Learn from Software Developers - O'Reilly Radar • O'REILLY HOME RADAR RELEASE 2.0 RESEARCH CONFERENCES ABOUT All Open Source Geo Emerging Tech Web 2.0 Operations Videos Events Tue Mar 31 2009 listen print What Publishers Need to Learn from Software Developers by Tim O'Reilly | comments: 29 There was a great exchange on the O'Reilly editors' backchannel the other day, so illuminating that I thought I should share it with the rest of you. We've been discussing the fast-track development we're using to produce The Twitter Book . (We're basically authoring the book as a presentation, after I realized how much more quickly I am able to put together a slide deck to make my points than I am a normal book. Twitter is also such a fast-moving topic that we need to be able to update the book every time we reprint it.) Sarah Milstein wrote: Apropos of everything, the NYT on publishers' speeding up the production process, especially with eBooks : “If this book had gone through the normal publishing procedures,” Mr. Kiyosaki said, “it wouldn’t be worth writing.” Andrew Savikas replied:
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